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Project Alliance 2022 Youth Leadership Summit

April 19, 2022 
Biddeford High School 
8:30 - 3:00pm with optional 3:00 - 4:30 pm Job Readiness Fair 

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Schedule for the Day

8:30 - 9:00 am:
Welcome snacks and name badges

9:00 - 9:50 am:
Session 1:10 Tips for Coping & Resiliency for Youth
Session 2: Youth Empowerment 

10:00 - 10:50 am:
Session 3: Become a Sidekick: Tackling Tough Conversations 
Session 4: What it means to be a teammate

11:00 - 11:50 am:
Session 5:  Student-led Conversations
Session 6: Law Enforcement Panel
Session 7: Healthy Relationships 

12:00 - 12:50 pm:

1:00 - 1:50 pm:
Session 8: 'Zine History and Making: Using Art to Elevate Your Voice
Session 9: Juvenile Jeopardy 

2:00 - 3:00 pm:
ceremonies and Student Experience Sharing 
3:00 - 4:30 pm:
Job Readiness Fair: OPEN TO ANY HIGH SCHOOLER (even if you did not attend the rest of the summit)  

Becoming a Sidekick: Tackling Tough Conversations - Interested in learning how to talk with your peers about mental health or substance use in a way that they will hear you? The Sidekicks program will provide you with the skills and confidence to support your peers during these tough conversations.

10 Tips for Coping & Resiliency for Youth - This has been an especially challenging time for everyone, and it’s a great opportunity to check in on our self-care. Supporting mental health has many layers, but there are small things we can do every day, or have in our personal toolboxes, to give us some comfort and strength when needed. Caring for ourselves helps us have energy and space to support our community and, even better, it can help us lead by example! Join this session to learn about some coping strategies, different approaches to wellness and resiliency, and develop your own self-care plan. Students will have the opportunity to take home a starter coping toolkit. 

'Zine History and Making: Using Art to Elevate Your Voice: We often think of art as being something to be admired from a bit of a distance, be it in a book, museum, or gallery wall. Of course, art is more expansive than that and can be a valuable method to communicate a message, aspects about culture, or personal experience. In this session, we’ll talk about art mediums and techniques used to spread a message, particularly the medium of ‘zines. ‘Zines are small, usually DIY mini-magazines produced on a small scale. They contain a mix of words and images and can contain poems, essays, collages, paintings – it is a very broad form meant to be personalized! Learn more about this format and begin to plan how you might make your own ‘zine.


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